Image from the front cover of the recipe book
Celebrating Culinary Heritage in Gloucestershire
Costume Swaps
Discover how we are helping children embrace the joy of reading through exciting events and activities this World Book Day!
Photo of a book with its pages curled to form a heart, and the slogan "Show your library love"
What’s happening in your library this February?
Headshot of Fatma Aydemir and Anna Metcalfe, separated by the book cover of Djinns
Join authors Fatma Aydemir & Anna Metcalfe in Cheltenham Library!
Photo of a woman and two children reading books in a nook in Stroud library
Gloucestershire Libraries joins up with Stroud school for the inaugural Story Swap Contest.
Have your say on plans to access library services out of hours
More library customers in Gloucestershire will be given access to services outside of libraries’ core opening hours under plans to introduce new technology.
Look back at our Family Festival held across the county this October Half Term.
Gloucestershire Libraries will be offering free, warm and welcoming spaces in local communities across the county.
Free 1:1 intellectual property advice
Did you know that Gloucestershire Libraries provide business support in relation to intellectual property?
Gloucestershire Libraries are celebrating their achievements over the past year, which include an 11 per cent increase in footfall across their network.
This award is designed to recognise and reward outstanding library initiatives county-wide which aim to improve literacy
This year’s Library Challenge has been declared a big success, with around 7,000 children signed up.
Learn to budget effectively with new virtual shopping environment.
Image from David Vaisey Award Shortlisting 2024
Gloucestershire Libraries shortlisted for David Vaisey Award.
Young boy learning martial arts
Look back at our Sports Festival day in Gloucester for The Library Challenge!

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