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Welcome to The Library Strategy

Our vision for the Library Services in Gloucestershire

The library strategy will  run from 2023 to 2028. The role of the library and library services has developed significantly and the strategy aims to meet the ambition of providing a forward-thinking service to residents of Gloucestershire.

It will maintain its core service of providing free access to a wide range of books and information, which has been extended to include an extensive catalogue of e-books that can be accessed from your own home.

The strategy sets out how services will continue to develop to meet changing demands and covers five key themes, including creativity, climate and the community.

The response to the climate emergency is a key area outlined in the draft strategy. Libraries will work with partners to encourage wildlife and tree planting in library gardens, look to install electric vehicle charge points in library car parks, promote recycling opportunities and raise awareness of initiatives to help the environment.


Gloucestershire Libraries are welcoming, inclusive, innovative, and inspiring.

Vibrant safe spaces at the heart of our diverse communities, they encourage connections and creativity, providing equality of access to reading, culture, technology, trusted information, and learning opportunities.

Working with and for their communities, libraries will continue to adapt and respond to their changing needs, championing sustainability and promoting health & wellbeing.